Stress Less for Better Health

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We’re continuing to learn more every day about stress and how it impacts health. We tend to think about stress as an external force that affects us. But, the truth is that stress is an internal reaction that we have in response to our surroundings.

If we keep activating our stress response (think: higher heart rate, higher blood pressure), it can have negative effects on our mood, sleep, digestion, heart health, and even weight. Try these techniques to help you thoughtfully respond, rather than react, to what's going on around you!

Triggering our stress response can impact our short- and long-term health. We can choose how we respond to everyday challenges -- we can either respond in a harmful way, or in a beneficial way. 

Here are a few science-based ways to cultivate a healthier response:

  1. Become more aware of your current state. 

    Check-in with yourself every hour. Are your muscles tense, are you losing concentration? If so, go for a walk or call a friend. You may need to set an alarm to create the habit of checking in. 

  2. Get 7- to 9 hours of sleep each night. 

    Try chamomile tea, lavender aromatherapy, a few slow breaths, or a warm bath to help get into sleep mode. 

  3. If you find yourself getting anxious frequently, talk to your doctor about CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). 


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